Free TOEFL Worksheet 11: Improve Your Reading

TOEFL is a popular English-language test for non-native speakers wanting to enroll in, or get a diploma from, an English-speaking school or college/university.

In this very short reading worksheet, you will be given 1 short passage that you need to read and answer 2 questions about the passage.

You should estimate about 3-5 minutes to do this, since that's about the time that you will spend to do these questions if they really appear on your TOEFL exam.

By the way, here are the links to the previous reading worksheets. You should do them too and check your answers.

Free TOEFL Worksheet 5: Improve Your Reading

Share your answers and see if you get both questions correct:

How will you rate the difficulty of this passage, if 1 is the easiest and 10 is the hardest?

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